Hi friends! So this week is a very exciting week for us Brits because of… drumroll pleaaaase… the Royal Wedding!!! Last time, I remember I was in the US on the day of Kate and William’s wedding day and woke up extra early – around 4:30am to watch every single minute of the TV coverage […]
Easter Picnic

Hi friends! So Easter is almost upon us! Oh I’m looking forward to this week. Easter really marks the beginning of Spring, the beginning of more sunshine, warmth and spending lots of time outside. I love it! I probably say this every year but my oh my did this winter feel long and depressing. I […]
Stop and Smell the Roses

Hi friends! As you probably noticed, this blog post is going up 2 days late. Yup, I feel super overwhelmed with everything going on this week and have not found a second to work on my blog. I’m into my third week in my job and its really picking up as I’m learning the ropes. […]
Bringing Provence to London

I am getting so excited because this past weekend was really the first time where I was actually WARM outside in a t-shirt! I feel like this year I’ve been even more looking forward to summer than usual. I just missed the greenery, the sun, the warmth and especially the late sunsets so much this past […]
Ladies who Brunch

One thing you probably didn’t know about me is that one of my 3 favourite meals of the day is breakfast… 😉 So I thought, what better idea than invite some of my friends for a brunch on a sunny springy Saturday morning?! It really was a last minute idea that came to me when I […]
Easter Brunch

Every year on Easter Sunday, we have a brunch after our “intense exercising” required for egg hunting. 😉 For our table decor, I went with a colourful pastel theme. I saw these daffodils while shopping and thought they would be so perfect for my centre piece. Once they’re fully open, they. look. so. stunning. I am […]