Hi friends! As you probably noticed, this blog post is going up 2 days late. Yup, I feel super overwhelmed with everything going on this week and have not found a second to work on my blog. I’m into my third week in my job and its really picking up as I’m learning the ropes. […]
A special 18th Birthday Party
Hellooo! Welcome back! So this week, I wanted to share with you my baby sister’s 18th birthday party we had a couple of weeks ago. Let me start off by clarifying some things: yes, I have 2 sisters and their birthdays are just two days apart. So if you haven’t seen last week’s blog post, […]
Ladies who Brunch
One thing you probably didn’t know about me is that one of my 3 favourite meals of the day is breakfast… 😉 So I thought, what better idea than invite some of my friends for a brunch on a sunny springy Saturday morning?! It really was a last minute idea that came to me when I […]