Halloween Cupcakes (Video!)

Hi friends! As promised in last week’s blog post, I just uploaded a NEW VIDEO to my YouTube channel about my famous cupcakes!!! (Ok, I’m joking about the “famous” part…)

I know its been forever since I last posted on YouTube but its taken me a while to get the hang of it – it still takes me a loooong time to edit these videos. But as I love challenges, I’m excited to push myself to create more YouTube content for my blog before the end of the year!!

You can check out the whole process of making these cupcakes in the video, which you can find HERE so I’m not going to repeat myself but I did want to pop on here and post a few pictures of the final product!!

I used a carrot cake recipe from THIS cookbook for the base and also made basic cream cheese frosting (also from the cookbook). The decoration is actually made of very simple ingredients: dark chocolate, white chocolate and food colouring. I made a couple of different patterns…


Pumpkins, Witches Hats,…


Trees, Bonfires,…


Ghosts and Leaves…

…But there are so many more options, your imagination is the limit!! So don’t forget to check out the video to get all the details and tips & tricks I learnt. And let me know if you’d like me to make more videos! 🙂

Oh and I will be posting a bonus post at the end of this week!! One last Halloween post for you guys so keep your eyes peeled for that!!

Have a great week, friends!

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